
MKCIL’s organisational values state:

  • MK CIL will be a professional organisation that adds value and strives for continuous development and excellence.
  • MK CIL will be an organisation that is honest, fair, respectful and inclusive in encouraging all individuals to reach their full potential.

MK CILs mission statement states:

     “MK CIL aims to inspire, empower and enable people with disabilities, their families, carers and others. Through the provision of a range of information and services, MK CIL will support people in making informed choices, exercising their rights of full participation and to maximise their independence and potential.”

MK CIL’s organisational aims are:

  • To be an effective User Led Organisation, governed by a Board of suitably experienced Trustees who will be elected by the users of MK CIL. The organisation will regularly consult with the Users who will determine the strategic direction of the organisation.
  • To promote empowerment and independence for people with a disability through the provision of professional, independent, impartial, confidential, comprehensive information and advice to support the people in our community.
  • To work in partnership with suitable and relevant partners to facilitate the delivery of the best advice and support to all sectors of the community.
  • To provide individual and confidential support services for people with a disability.
  • To identify additional support services which are not currently available and influence the enablement of the delivery of such services, either directly or through third-party agencies.
  • To promote equality and public acceptance that all people with a disability are equal members of society.
  • To broaden out into quality in all aspects of the organisation.

MK CIL believes you are disabled if you have a physical or mental condition that has a ‘substantial’ and adverse impact on your ability to do undertake daily activities of your choosing.

MK CIL subscribes to the social model of disability, which suggests that people are disabled not by their condition, but by the world around them. This includes attitudes, environments and policies that do not allow people to participate on an equal basis.

Our History

The organisation was opened as a charity set up to support people with a disability in 1992. Originally called Milton Keynes Disability Information Service the organisation later changed its name to Milton Keynes Centre for Integrated Living. Originally set up to provide information, advice and support to people with a disability about equipment, MK CIL had an adapted flat that allowed people to look around and see what equipment was available to them.

The original chairperson Chris Checkley is still actively involved in the running of MK CIL and sits on the Board of Trustees.

Many of the Volunteers and Staff members within MK CIL have worked with us for several years and have seen the organisation go from strength to strength.

For further details of our Trustees and their commitment please see our Trustees profiles page.

MKCIL’s role now

Physically Disabled and Sensory Impairment Consultative Group (PDSICG)

The group acts as critical friend to Milton Keynes Council and other service providers in respect of services for people with physical disabilities and/or sensory impairments.

Disability Advisory Group (DAG)

Members of the group feedback issues to stakeholders in Milton Keynes such as Milton Keynes Council, the Parks Trust, bus companies and many others.

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